Buy Not Mar 05, 2016 marketing retail social consciousness activism shopping ... , MNThis escalating awareness is giving rise to a Buy Not mindset that, in turn, is spurring a more politically motivated movement against consumerism. For today’s younger generations, the Great Recession marked the first time that they were forced to confront their spending habits significantly, en masse. The experience of economic turbulence, even for those who were still under the fiscal domain of their parents, highlighted their consumerist tendencies to such extent that this examination of ...
Global Social Trends Dec 06, 2017 social life friends nightlife social media ... Millennials are choosing to be more of the homebody type for different reasons. Increasingly, they're spending time in the privacy of their own living space as opposed to going out and being social because they feel the need to as a result of being overworked or in the presence of too much pollution. It's not that they don't want to go out and be social, but these cultural factors make it hard for them to do so. Chinese youth are finding escape through the Internet and are often sending one another ...
No Joy in Division Mar 21, 2020 ... people—I feel—do not do now."CARLOS, 33, NYBrands must understand where youth are spending their time in order to reach them and enhance their education on the issues. As misinformation and even “fake news” are things youth have identified as a pain point in Cassandra’s qualitative research, brands have an opportunity to support young consumers as they search for information. Since youth are aware of the polarization, it’s better if brands cut out the bias. Rather than taking a side ...
Dollars And Sense Sep 07, 2015 money banking debt finance saving ... ), how it figures into a monthly/yearly outlook—all so I can have a better idea of what my daily average is, what it is going toward, the types of things I can cut out and how that would impact my finances, and the things I could allow more spending to go toward. STEPHANIE, 29, MDMoreover, most bank branches are shockingly dated—and not in a cool, retro way—in terms of everything from their stodgy décor to the bowls of stale hard candies to the impersonal manner of the bankers themselves. Inclusive ...
What's In Store Sep 07, 2016 community retail brick-and-mortar shopping ... shopping in stores. This is despite the fact that youth are at least twice as likely to say shopping in stores is more stressful than shopping online (67% vs. 33% among U.S. youth, and 74% vs. 26% among UK youth). They could shop online, but they’re willing to make the effort to go to brick-and-mortar stores because doing so has become an escape from spending more time behind their screens, from the stresses of day-to-day life, and from being bored. They are seeking out the ...
Gen Z State Of Mind Jun 26, 2017 career education family gen z home money social life ... , and thereby shape society. Indeed, Zs, who are 81 million strong in the U.S. with $44 billion in spending power, are currently influential consumers, employees, and cultural disruptors in their own right, whom marketers must understand in order to be relevant today and ready for tomorrow. While Ys challenged the status quo across nearly every industry to better accommodate their generational traits, habits, and lifestyles, Zs will usher in a new era of disruption. Their core values, addressed ...
Off-Roading Oct 05, 2015 ... to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Instead of feeling helpless about their debt situation, they’re turning to online tools and savvy financial strategies to help them dig their way out. They’re replacing their credit with prepaid debit cards and taking extreme measures to pay down what they already owe, enacting spending fasts and diets and money-saving challenges, and signing debt-free-life pledges. Financial institutions are just beginning to respond to Ys’ unique financial situation ...
Breaking Bad Mar 20, 2019 ... % of Xers and 16% of Boomers agree, as they see this as something young generations are doing today that was never done, nor possible, in the past. Not only is the format in which modern youth conduct friendships different from that of previous generations, but what they feel more comfortable discussing has changed too. Ys and Zs are more open about topics concerning politics and money/spending with their peers, but consequently they’re more likely than Xers and Boomers to call this out as a stigma ...
Consumed Global Mar 19, 2014 global luxury retail e-commerce sharing economy shopping ... these consumers, one-stop shops in the Miami area, including Walmart and Target, now sell counter-seasonal clothing items to coincide with winter in the southern hemisphere. And given how much Brazilians are spending, flights with Brazil’s top airline TAM originating in the US have had to carry more fuel to accommodate the overweight baggage. Luxury Brands in the US & UK Cater To Chinese Consumers China is the number one luxury spender worldwide, and over two-thirds of luxury spending by Chinese ...
UnWasted Time Dec 16, 2017 alcohol social life experiences nightlife ... were apt to do when they shed their weekday responsibilities, young adults today are approaching alcohol with moderation and mindfulness.In addition to a desire to remain aware and level-headed, the rising popularity of sober socializing is being encouraged by trends in wellness and a focus on smarter spending. Although Ys are known for lingering in a period of extended adolescence, they’re highly aware of their drinking habits and are choosing to reign in the partying. Zs are experiencing ...