Next Gen Brand Loyalty Mar 22, 2019 ... Brand loyalty is achieved and expressed differently among older and younger generations, and brands can’t take a one-size-fits-all approach to earn consumers' support.Brand loyalty has often been considered the holy grail for a business's success, but today, “brand loyalty” doesn’t mean the same thing to all generations of consumers, and achieving it is harder for a brand than ever before. This is not to say that it’s impossible to build loyalty among consumers, but brands need to understand ...
The Urge To Splurge Mar 16, 2019 ... younger generations, these priorities start to shift, as Gen Ys prioritize spending on luxury food and experiences that allow them to enjoy their splurges in a highly social and shareable format. And while most members of this generation are not financially independent quite yet, Gen Zs’ splurges tend to be more aligned with categories that they can display for social currency, such as clothing and shoes that convey their personal visual brand online and IRL, a crucial component they carefully ...
Multigenerational Marketing Tips Mar 15, 2019 ... . Consider how your brand can be a source of aid not only through what you sell, but also how consumers interact with your brand online and off. Consumers appreciate any effort brands take to eliminate pain points, particularly when it comes to saving them time and energy, and they consider this a fundamental part of innovation.Thoughts For Implementation: How can your brand make navigating its products and/or services easier? How can it provide more curated recommendations? How can it simplify the ...
Shop Talk Mar 17, 2019 ... in the store, which presents an additional challenge for brick-and-mortar retailers to overcome.If I'm shopping for clothes or something fun I prefer to go in-store and get the experience and talk to people, but if it's something that's just practical, I would rather just order it online.MORGAN, 22, NJYoung consumers don’t even have to be actively shopping in-store or online to find something they want to buy. Modern youth are always in discovery mode, whether it’s intentional or not, due to ...
Fear Factors Mar 19, 2019 ... is the fact that they are vulnerable to harassment in real life and online. While older generations had only in-person bullying to contend with, Zs also encounter aggression online where the anonymity of being behind a screen often gives people license to be even more cruel than they would be in person. And while it might be easy to tell young people to just turn off social media and put down their devices, for Zs, their lives online are important and the harassment they experience through a ...
Find Your Place Dec 17, 2018 ... While Gen Ys and Zs are the most digitally connected cohorts, they're struggling to find their sense of belonging in person, as evidenced by their approach to home and travel, creating a need for brands to help them obtain it. While modern young adults are more connected to others online than ever before, which would seem to make them experience a greater sense of community than their predecessors, many are lacking it offline, with their approach to home and travel compounding this ...
The State Of The Sub/Urban Dec 15, 2018 ... London as a small experimental space where employees can guide people on products and is planning to build 30 of these small format stores in urban areas around the world. Despite the convenience of being able to shop online, young consumers still seek to shop in-person (see What's In Store) and brands are making it easier for them to do so by bringing affordable essential goods to them.As cities evolve to improve inhabitants' quality of life, brands across all categories can play a key role in ...
There's No Place Like Home(town) Dec 11, 2018 ... deftly between locations for opportunities and passion points, their ability to, and more tellingly their interest in, forming community in a traditional sense remains a low priority. Against the backdrop of a roving lifestyle they’re reaching into the one constant emotional touchstone they can access: their hometown and their pride in it.Youth, who care less about forming community where they now live—and acknowledge that they might never find it—always have the emotional connection to ...
The Shape Of Belonging: A Map To Modern Community Dec 12, 2018 ... An ethnography of modern youth’s physical, online, and brand communities, demonstrating how they create their personal communities in today’s phygital world.We asked three young people aged 18-34 in the U.S. and three in the UK to bring us into their communities—the ones they feel a sense of belonging to in-person, online, and through brands. Each participant created a map of their physical community and labeled the different places in their cities and towns that give them a sense of ...
The Joyride Dec 07, 2018 ... commercial, adventurous motorcyclists traverse wide open roads on their BMWs, encountering stunning places and welcoming people. The message of the commercial is that adventure doesn’t have to wait and that it can be found today for those willing to make the journey. PayPal Paypal recognizes that dividing expenses for a road trip can be a hassle, which is why the online payment service is demonstrating how it can make the process simple. In a commercial featuring road trips, two friends won’t let a ...