Over The Influence Dec 12, 2019 ... Handmaid's Tale-themed party earlier this year. These examples speak to larger trends of influencers being criticized for cultural appropriation, repping poor quality products, and generally being tone deaf. Issues like these will continue to proliferate as the influencer space becomes oversaturated and the cultural and political discourse gets increasingly contentious.EXTREMELY ONLINE AND INCREDIBLY EVERYWHEREAccording to InfluencerDB, there are more than 500,000 influencer accounts on Instagram, with ...
The Impact Of Influence Dec 17, 2019 ... for the future of the influencer marketing space (if technology can finally catch up to its rapid growth). But it still leaves brands with the question: what draws young people to influencers? Through our data analysis and our conversations with modern youth, we found the subject of influencer authenticity to be a recurring theme. But what does it mean to be authentic online today? This answer lies in what young people consider to be the most important qualities of the influencers they follow ...
The Hive Mind Dec 16, 2019 ... current cacophony of culture-driving, culture-defining opinions that circulate online via the “Hive Mind.”Today, the rise of multi-platform personal branding and blogging via social media has morphed into a new beast, one wherein users are promoting their messaging—behind a product, a service, or an idol—and rallying others to their cause as they compete for attention in today’s overcrowded online forum. The evolution of social behavior as a result of an evolving digital landscape has ...
Global Influencer Trends Dec 09, 2019 ... Influencer trends from around the world - Japan: Virtual YouTubers - In a country known for anime, it's not surprising that Virtual YouTubers, or VTubers, have risen to fame. Kizuna AI was arguably the first virtual influencer to kick off the craze in late 2016 and is now the most popular with three YouTube channels and over 2 million followers. She functions much like other YouTube stars: She posts videos of herself playing games, answering questions, and telling stories. Kizuna has appeared ...
The Path Aug 28, 2015 career education family home money ... Young people today have a different perception of what it means to be an adult and are adapting traditional milestones to meet their preferences.Today’s youth are entering adulthood with a somewhat neo-traditional perspective. While, for the most part, their desired life path is similar to that of previous generations, they are shifting the timeline of events to better meet their own unique wants and needs, often delaying particular markers. For some, certain milestones are irrelevant, as they ...
Opportunity Knocks Dec 14, 2018 ... finding a job for the job itself, and are more open to the locations where that may be. Additionally, as modern youth are so passionate about travel and prioritize visiting other locations, they don’t need to live in the big cities when they can visit for fun. Moving for a job opportunity also helps alleviate the need to find community, as that’s one benefit they expect to find at work (see School of [Work]Life). Three in 10 young people say that their workplace/school helps them feel a sense of ...
Active-ists Mar 17, 2017 social consciousness activism causes and issues politics sports ... The sports industry is becoming a key arena for political and social activism, with athletes leading the charge toward change.Along with providing a copious amount of entertainment, sports have always lent themselves to another ephemeral quality: offering hope. Whether viewers feel explicitly hopeful rooting their favorite team on to victory, or cheerful seeing athletes perform their passion, sports have always seemed to intertwine with hope, so much so that they could provide an escape from ...
The One Dec 10, 2015 marketing relationships retail customer service love ... than others, then I'm in. These are brands that I think will be with me for a very very long time.” The desire to find qualities in brands that one also seeks in a romantic partner is only fitting given that brands occupy a more emotional role in consumers’ lives today than ever before. Social media has broken down the wall between corporation and consumer, making it essential for brands to demonstrate their human side, including having a distinct personality reflected in their online voice (see ...
Set In (E)motion: The Guide to Gen Y Burnout Sep 23, 2019 ... /7 news cycle, and the rise of online ‘watchdog’ activity, among other factors), this cohort has become less trusting of the institutions that past generations were able to rely on, which is impacting their current emotional burnout. This is definitely a two-sided affair: Ys see institutions as becoming less supporting over time, leaving modern consumers, and Ys especially, to be gradually less trusting. For example, Baby Boomers overall had comparatively more trust in the military and believed ...
High Society Sep 17, 2019 ... sells its micro-food products in tech offices and hospitals. What’s more, Journey Foods is also building an A.I.-powered database called JourneyAI to compile and log ingredients that could be used for future products, an initiative that speeds up the R&D process.WellPathWellPath is an online customized supplement brand that focuses on mind and body wellness. WellPath recently launched PURE, a premium apple cider vinegar gummy made with 500 mg of raw apple cider vinegar (ACV), beet root, pomegranate ...