Peace Of Mind: The Guide To Gen Z Burnout Sep 22, 2019 ... . When it comes to school, Zs live in a state of fear that they might fall victim to a school shooting. And when it comes to religion, exposé journalism and documentaries about church abuses have made young people jaded by organized religion. This inability to rely on traditional social support systems has made Zs a generation of doers who are inclined to demonstrate both online and IRL in order to fight for their futures. But they can only do so much without the backing of adult leaders, and this ...
Health Hackers Jun 05, 2015 health & wellness technology apps quantified self Health Hackers ... of these individuals, they develop eLationships with them (The Cassandra Report, Fall/Winter 2014), and trust them as they would friends they know in real life. Leveraging this idea, San Francisco-based startup MyHealthTeams has launched a collection of social networks designed specifically for people to connect with others who have the same illnesses, including MS, Crohn’s, and lupus. Firsthand health knowledge to complement the information they can find online is of great import to Ys. They ...
Digital Intimacy Dec 04, 2014 relationships social life social media Digital Intimacy eLationships ... information have long been the norm, young people are now scaling back by seeking out more personal pockets of the web. They are prioritizing the quality over quantity of their contacts, one-on-one interactions over mass audiences, and the ephemeral over the permanent. We are in a new digital era where young generations are shifting the online world from the public square to a more intimate environment, and bringing a human touch to the web in the process. For brands, this means a marked shift from ...
Good Vibes Mar 01, 2016 community marketing social consciousness one-to-one ... are rewarded for doing good deeds. Upon witnessing an act of kindness, consumers are encouraged to ask for the person’s contact information and visit to send them a virtual card. The good Samaritan will receive a physical card and a free Kind bar. NAVICENT HEALTH Navicent Health’s ad “Kindness” depicts situations in which people are in need of kindness, such as a girl with nowhere to sit at lunch or a woman stuck on the side of the road with car trouble, and then shows how they ...
House Funders Sep 17, 2017 community home money ... Young adults are finding workarounds to achieve homeownership to make it more relevant to their lives as well as financially attainable.Gen Ys are often blamed for hurting the housing market, with the media emphasizing that most aren’t able to afford the cost of homeownership and many don’t want to be tied down by it anyway, but such statements are greatly exaggerated; only 13% of young adults who do not own a home say they do not want to buy a home because they feel like it would tie them down ...
The Global Retail Landscape Jun 25, 2019 ... their passion for traveling. Today’s consumers feel connected to their global neighbors, and they’re excited to maintain this connection through trends in fashion and popular culture. The modern consumer is constantly shopping, browsing, and interacting with brands, both online and IRL, as it fits their always-on lifestyles, meaning that the idea of the captive consumer no longer exists. This shift in the retail landscape forces brands to consider how they can meet consumers in the places and on the ...
Mind the Store Jun 15, 2015 health & wellness retail brick-and-mortar malls shopping ... -tracking devices. This has been a calculated shift: 75% of Ys and 82% of Zs say it’s important for the products they buy to contribute to their personal wellbeing. However, another important element in shoppers’ purchasing decisions—the experience—has been largely overlooked wellness-wise. This marks an emerging opportunity in retail. Just as young consumers have openly embraced wellness products, they are also beginning to seek out wellness-oriented shopping experiences marked by soothing stores ...
POP Marketing Jun 16, 2014 marketing media & entertainment content marketing ... a “corpo-human” embodiment of the brand registered for classes. In a more recent episode, Subway tries to buy Greendale and turn it into a Subway University. Show creator Dan Harmon negotiated for creative control over the brand’s integration into episode narratives, a deal which gave him reign to portray Subway as a villain (and which in turn gives Subway its own cachet).SAMSUNG AND THE ACADEMY AWARDSHost Ellen DeGeneres’ now-famous celebrity-selfie moment was in large part the result of ...
Duty Free Sep 14, 2015 home spending cleaning delivery on-demand ... to commit until they have discussed each decision with friends, family, online acquaintances, and even strangers (see Gut Check). This is also true for formerly taboo topics; whereas Boomers and Xers would typically discuss questions of finance and health with family or paid experts, Ys go to their vast network of friends for help with such complicated choices (see Friends With Benefits). As they tend to lean on others for help, it follows that only 26% strongly agree that starting to make their ...
Parenting 101 Jun 07, 2016 family health & wellness parenting technology blended children dads moms ... quarter of parents in the U.S. and two in 10 in the UK say that it’s important that their kid gets to try junk food or fast food at a young age, which is a significant shift given that they ate these frequently growing up. Instead, Y parents are demanding that restaurants serve healthier offerings and that brands put more natural and less artificial ingredients in their products. Likewise, they feel it’s highly important to buy food that’s good for their family, and they long for even more convenient ...