State Of The Union Mar 11, 2016 ... climate change. UK youth tend to be more liberal leaning than their American counterparts: they’re fairly split when it comes to their attitude about the death penalty and more likely to be in favor of gun control than against it. Young people in both countries also have liberal attitudes about education reform and government sponsored healthcare. For each of the following options, please tell us which one most closely aligns with your personal views.Aged 19-34Summary Of Those For And ...
The Everyday Equality Data Sep 29, 2020 ... cultures ACQUAINTANCES & CLOSE FRIENDSWhich of the following, if any, is true for your acquaintances and/or close friends? Are of different race(s) than me | Are of a different gender than me | Are of different financial situation than me | Are of a different religion than me | Are of different education levels than me | Have different political beliefs than me | Are much older or much younger than me | Are in a different stage in life than me (e.g., married, have kids) | Are of a different ...
Modern Parents Landscape Jun 21, 2016 ... ) | Social media | My extended family (aside from grandparents) | Other parents | My/my spouse's/partner's friends | Television programs | Books | My child(ren) | Magazines | Parenting blogs | Parenting message boards/communities | Radio programs/podcasts IMPORTANT ASPECTSParents want their children to be well-rounded. More than half of those in the U.S. and 41% in the UK want their kids to have a college education, and nearly half of parents in both countries also want them to have a preschool ...
Personal & Professional Betterment Mar 08, 2018 ... knowledgeable about | How much one knows about their passion points/hobbies | How much formal education one has (e.g., advanced degrees) | How up-to-date one is on current events/culture | How witty one is | How impressive of a job/title one has | One's standardized test scores | The caliber of the school/university one went to | Other TOOLS TO IMPROVE COGNITIONOver 90% of U.S. and UK Trendsetters use tools (e.g., apps, websites, tests, quizzes) to measure or improve their intellect/IQ ...
Global Y View Sep 22, 2014 global ... global connectedness has enabled them to not only be aware, but also actively engage in learning about what’s happening in the world around them. However, with this awareness comes concern. Ys around the world are most concerned with safety, economic, and environmental issues. How concerned are you with the following global issues?Top 2 Box “Very concerned” and “Somewhat concerned” Environmental damage | Violence | Unemployment/ underemployment | Poverty | Economic crisis | Education | Domestic ...
Current Financial Situation Aug 29, 2017 ... or trust funds. However young men are more likely than young women to have both. Parents are slightly more likely to have financial assets, with 26% of global parents saying they have money set aside for their children’s future. Which of the following, if any, do you currently have?Please select all that apply. Savings for my child(ren)'s future (e.g., education, special occasions) (Base: Parents) | Stocks/bonds | A trust fund Savings for my child(ren)'s future (e.g., education ...
Work & Life Sep 07, 2017 ... A quantitative summary of the working life of today’s youth, including their thoughts on work-life balance and motivations for working overall.66% of youth and 77% of Trendsetters think it’s possible to have it all in life.PRE-WORKPLACE EXPERIENCEOutside of traditional education, global youth believe there are a variety of things that can benefit someone in the workplace, namely prior hands-on experience. More than eight in 10 young people also think both informal and formal professional ...
BMS Mind Jun 23, 2015 ... | My therapist's office | Nowhere | Using new equipment 86% OF Ys SAY THEY ARE STRESSED. SOURCES OF STRESS Due to their different life stages, Ys and Zs worry about different things. Money and debt are the primary sources of stress for Ys, whereas teen Zs are most stressed about their education, social relationships, getting enough sleep, and finding their passion in life. Women, who are more likely to say they’re stressed, worry more than men about finances, sleep, family, and ...
Involvement In Social Causes Mar 19, 2016 ... involved with similar causes, including homelessness, medical research, poverty, and animal rights. Education is also among the top five for U.S. youth, whereas disaster relief makes the list for UK youth. Interestingly, there are many issues that young people care about but are not involved in, such as unemployment, public safety, and working conditions. This is likely because they feel these particular issues are out of their hands. Causes that don’t rank as highly on the list include marijuana ...
Work Life & Loyalty Sep 06, 2017 ... information to employees.Which of the following best describes how knowledgeable you are about each of the following for your job/company?Those Who Are EmployedSummary Of Knoweldgeable About It/Know A LittLe Bit About It Vacation benefits | Health benefits | Maternity/paternity leave benefits | Life insurance plan | Remote working benefits | 401(k) plan | 529 education saving plan Remote working benefits | Health benefits | Maternity/paternity leave benefits | Vacation benefits | 529 ...