The Shape Of Belonging: A Map To Modern Community Dec 12, 2018 ... An ethnography of modern youth’s physical, online, and brand communities, demonstrating how they create their personal communities in today’s phygital world.We asked three young people aged 18-34 in the U.S. and three in the UK to bring us into their communities—the ones they feel a sense of belonging to in-person, online, and through brands. Each participant created a map of their physical community and labeled the different places in their cities and towns that give them a sense of ...
POP Global Jun 13, 2014 global media & entertainment festivals music ... with the Chinese cultural tradition of giving presents to favorite performers, fans can buy credits to send online entertainers virtual gifts. Broadcasting sites offer performers a revenue-sharing deal to split the proceeds from these presents. SLASH FAN FIC FORBIDDEN IN CHINASlash fan fiction, which centers on same-sex relationships between the authors’ favorite fictional characters (regardless of their sexual orientation in the original content), has grown extremely popular in China as a way for ...
Z DNA Mar 02, 2015 gen z blended customization multigenerational security ... research products before they commit to anything, and seek validation from both friends and strangers to give them confidence in their purchasing decisions. On the whole, this generation is more likely than were kids in the past to only buy items they need and to consider the resale value of products to feel secure that their investment is worth the cost. As they’ve gotten older, they are recognizing the importance of not only budgeting but also planning for economic security, especially as the oldest ...
Surprise & Delight Mar 14, 2014 marketing retail customer service e-commerce ephemeral ... Brands and marketers are reintroducing serendipity to the product discovery process.While global accessibility has made it relatively easy for consumers to track down specific products, the ease with which they can “identify and buy” has removed some of the serendipity once associated with more leisurely, aimless browsing. In reaction against the current state of over-planned, extensively researched consumerism, marketers are implementing tactics that aim to disrupt the traditional discovery ...
Gut Check Mar 06, 2014 retail consumer reviews e-commerce mobile shopping Crowdsourcing Gut Check ... Faced with a surplus of options and information, today’s young generations are inclined to seek validation before committing to any one decision. Young consumers' need for external assurance is not entirely newfound; individuals have always sought the advice of trusted peers when presented with important choices. But the increased ease with which one can source advice and assurance—via online reviews, comments, likes and upvotes, crowdsourced Q&A sites, and quick requests for approval via email ...
Innovation Halo Sep 21, 2018 ... , granting its employees and members access to coding classes online and in-person, so that they could expand their knowledge and skill sets.2017: Rise By We Moving beyond the fitness classes offered at several of its NYC locations, WeWork has expanded further into exercise and wellness with Rise by We. WeWork members and non-members can sign up for fitness classes and spa offerings.2017: WeWork Creators Awards To recognize and reward innovative ideas and businesses around the world, WeWork launched the ...
Tricks Of The Trade-Off Sep 23, 2018 ... bad/negatives that come with the good. In particular, young consumers are experiencing a strong push and pull between their increased digital adoption and their longing to preserve humanity, the individual benefits of innovation and their desire for community, their adoption of technology and their need to give up personal privacy in return, and their use of solutions that save them time, but limit their discovery.While young consumers ultimately believe that innovations are more beneficial than ...
Digital Wellbeing Movement Sep 18, 2018 ... players such as Jane McGonigal, an American game designer on a mission to increase the hours people engage in online gaming. Young people share this outlook, seeing gaming as an edifying pursuit rather than a destructive one. This attitude towards gaming can be attributed to the fact that many Ys and younger Xs played video games during their childhood and are less worried about their children consuming this form of entertainment. Y parents are even hiring Fornite coaches for their children in the ...
Humanology Sep 17, 2018 ... people’s need to be seen, heard, and cared for. With this mindset, popular culture is seeing a rise in entertainment about A.I. devices and humanoids, demonstrating young people’s desire to see more of these technologies, whether on screen or in real life (see Future Of Entertainment). With this knowledge, brands should consider using chatbots that are emotive and personable as opposed to bots that feel like one is having a robotic online interaction. In the same way a brand has to have a “personality ...
Future Of Food & Beverage Sep 12, 2018 ... personalized food choices. dishq recently closed a pre-seed funding round to enable their plans for rapid expansion. FlavorWiki Flavorwiki is an online platform that allows teams across the food industry to create studies that capture consumer insights around taste. Consumers take surveys via their smartphone and a machine learning algorithm processes the responses into sensory profiles that are shared back to the survey creators, which can then support initiatives like flavor reformulations.Johnnie ...