Dollars For Change Mar 09, 2016 money social consciousness crowdfunding ... Youth are leading the wave of small donors, who are having a significant impact in supporting social causes and political campaigns. In previous decades, philanthropy and political donations seemed out of the realm for the average person. People generally felt that making a small financial contribution wouldn’t make a difference since they rarely saw the direct results of giving. Modern youth, however, are challenging this notion; with more visibility and transparency about where ...
Marketing Tips For Engaging Modern Parents Jun 20, 2016 family marketing parenting children dads moms ... photo, and 24/7 live chatting with a pharmacist online.JetBlue Recognizing that parents traveling with babies are often stressed about their child getting fussy on a flight (not to mention how fellow passengers will react to the sound of their kid crying), JetBlue sought to reduce this anxiety. The brand released an ad called “FlyBabies,” in which everyone on a select flight received a 25% discount for a future trip each time a child on board cried. The spot shows passengers cheering at the sound ...
Creating For The Creators Dec 13, 2016 media & entertainment interactive ProPlay ... Entertainment companies and brands must reconsider their offerings because youth are adding their own creative lens to content and becoming competitive entertainers in their own right.Gens Y and Z are creators by nature, and they not only view modern media as a place for professional storytelling but also see content as building materials to tell their own tales. During Gen Y’s formative years, sampling content went from being a cause for a court case to being commonplace in the ...
Membership Drive Sep 18, 2016 money retail spending deals shopping ... access/number of uses | An online personal stylist service 82% of U.S. youth and 78% of those in the UK have joined or would be interested in joining membership programs.MEMBERS ONLYDiscounts are the primary reason today’s youth are joining membership programs, with 65% of U.S. Trendsetters and 56% of those in the UK joining membership programs for this reason. Other young people join to maximize their cost per use. However, optimization isn’t the only incentive that drives them. A quarter of young ...
For Love And Money Sep 08, 2015 career mentoring salary startups work-life balance ... At work, young people’s quest to “make meaning” is being overtaken by a burgeoning desire for high salaries. The prolific narrative surrounding Gen Y in the workforce is that its members want to “make meaning, not money” due to their optimistic outlook and their idealistic aspirations for changing the world. But for the first time, this narrative is in need of an update. Making meaning may have been top of mind when the economy was struggling and there was little money to go around, but in ...
Top Takeaways for Digital Marketers Dec 20, 2013 marketing media & entertainment technology social media ... respond to them (preferably, immediately). With this in mind, we’ve assembled a list of top takeaways for digital marketers based on best—and, in some cases, worst—practices witnessed over the past year. We hope these directives will help to inspire and advance your online marketing efforts in 2014. 1. BE AN EDUCATOR Young individuals consider the Web to be a place for education and discovery: 64% of mainstream and 85% of trendsetter respondents said that they use the Web for learning, and more than ...
The (DIS)Connect Dec 01, 2015 communication relationships mobile social media ... cutting off all contact, with this being a notable trend among young adults in South Africa (47% have done this, and 30% have experienced this). Young women are more likely than men to say that someone has ended relationship by cutting of contact. Which of the following is true for you? I've ended a romantic relationship by cutting off all contact with the person | I'm more comfortable sharing my feelings with a romantic partner online than in person | Someone has ended a romantic relationship ...
Have Guidance, Will Travel Dec 08, 2018 ... their own, which can easily turn into rabbit hole after rabbit hole as they navigate the seemingly infinite amount of information online. Seeing where all of their peers are going on social media can be inspiring but it also adds to the pile of options to sift through. Faced with unending options, young travelers want ways to cut out the clutter and make a decision—or have one made for them. The pendulum is beginning to swing back as young travelers seek to take some of the hassle out of ...
Asking Price Sep 12, 2017 money retail spending deals shopping ... and keep them coming back. As brands compete in an ever-crowded market, they tend to offer discounts and deals as lures for first time users while ignoring methods to keep the buyers they have already won engaged, thereby missing a key opportunity (see The One). For example, with online retail, a brand can recognize a returning customer, and knowing how frequently or how much they spend, a bot can provide them with a customized discount code for their loyalty. In store, there are a wealth of ...
(A)social Skills Mar 13, 2015 communication gen z social life friends social media ... they communicate with family and friends, is their preferred method of contact for those to whom they feel closest. Zs treat this form of communication the same way they would a face-to-face conversation, and, as such, they approach it with a similar level of social decorum. Just as they wouldn’t walk away from someone mid-conversation, they don’t like to leave people hanging when texting or group messaging. As one 13-year-old girl told us, “I respond to text messages as soon I pick up my phone ...