No Money, More Problems Sep 16, 2019 ... feeling a lack of control. With the country's financial stability in question, Ys and Zs won't have many sources from which to draw confidence. This is a huge opportunity for financial services to provide education and resources that help young consumers feel informed and in control of their finances. As one 19-year-old female university student from our qualitative research put it: "Burnout can often feel like you've lost control. Sometimes I'll be feeling really burned out, like I don't have the ...
Feedback Loop Mar 06, 2015 gen z hobbies social media ... this generation considers such honesty beneficial, even if the feedback is critical. This is only fitting given that they’ve grown up being constantly evaluated, receiving a score in response to nearly everything they do. They’ve had unprecedented access to devices and apps that give them detailed analytics on and guidance for modifying everything from their level of physical activity to the quality of their sleep. As products of the education system’s obsession with standardized testing, they’ve ...
Breaking Bad Mar 20, 2019 ... interactions but also in their online “self,” which is just as important and valid to them. These once-private topics, like where one falls on the spectrum of sexuality, their ambitions concerning their education and career, and the state of their mental health, are now public-facing facets that modern youth lead with to convey who they are.Another taboo for our generation is choosing a gender. It's getting better definitely, but for being a non-binary person, going to a restroom in public is like, I don't ...
Future Of Healthcare & Medicine Sep 11, 2018 ... same 23 categories, youth say that the healthcare system is the third most in need of innovation, with just politics and government and education surpassing it in priority. Medicine fares much better: it is considered to be the 8th most innovative category. However, young people also view it as the 9th most in need of innovation—proving that, even though it’s an industry at the forefront of innovation, it’s necessary that this continues. Both the healthcare system and medicine are indeed ...
Less Is Morality Dec 04, 2016 media & entertainment ethics TV ... tandem with a movement in education in which young people are learning that there are multiple ways to arrive at an answer to a problem, and that process is as important as having the answer itself. For young adults who are out of school, debates around the moral implications of the recent U.S. elections, the UK’s Brexit, and the looming immigration crisis, among other events, offer opportunities to explore moral issues from an academic standpoint. Some programmes are pretty bad at conveying ...
Play The Game Mar 15, 2017 community play sports ... pronounced at the high school level, with many students resorting to crowdfunding platforms to obtain financial assistance to keep their teams and sports facilities—an effort that Dick’s Sporting Goods has assisted with by partnering with on an initiative called Sports Matter to help public schools fund their sports programs. When a campaign reaches 50% of its goal, the Dick’s Foundation provides the other half. Physical education classes are also failing to serve today’s youth ...
(Net)Work Hard, Play Hard Dec 08, 2017 career community social life apps coworking spaces ... , which focused on exclusivity and elitism, modern ideas festivals tout collaboration and inclusivity—although critics attest that price and the invite-only nature of some such events still make them exclusive. I've noticed that much of my socializing (50%?) is surrounded by making professional contacts and trying to expand my career. This generally revolves around cocktail hours, professional functions/conferences, and continuing education. I try to make a nice mix of professional and personal ...
Marketing Tips Sep 19, 2016 marketing retail brick-and-mortar e-commerce shopping ... their imaginations. With these expanded offerings, retail environments have become much like playgrounds. As youth don’t regard shopping as a merely functional pursuit, brands across all categories should provide immersive ways for people to interact with their products and, most of all, have fun. Fujifilm The Wonder Photo Shop, a concept store from Fujifilm, serves as a hub for photographic education and inspiration. Visitors can get hands on with the products in a DIY lounge and obtain training ...
Life For Like Dec 14, 2019 ... influencer categories, like sustainability influencers, vegan influencers, and mental health influencers, whose platforms are based around bringing education and awareness around their specific causes. Influencers like Rob Greenfield of @robjgreenfield and Kathryn Kellogg of have created platforms based entirely around their work as sustainability advocates, showcasing their lifestyle choices and offering tips and tricks to encourage their followers to live more eco-friendly lives ...
Over The Influence Dec 12, 2019 ... positivity, education, and awareness. She cites YouTubers like Hannah Witton, who works with PlayStation while "spread[ing] a ton of awareness on illness and body confidence and sex," and Anna Saccone, who works with Benefit and "shares the ups and downs of pregnancy and parenthood and eating disorder recovery." Here again, a major differential is transparency. Influencers like Jake and Logan Paul produce most of their videos as stunts in a play for clicks; it's not a look into their real lives and it ...