Off-Roading Oct 05, 2015 ... .William Paid allows Ys to build good credit without racking up debt by paying their rent through an online platform.SmarterBank’s online checking account filters cash-back rewards directly into users’ student debt.The Sallie Mae Cash Back Visa card lets people use their rewards to reduce their student loan balance. The website Ready For Zero lets college graduates manage their monthly expenses, including their credit card and student loan payments, in an online tracking system, and helps them ...
An Eye Towards The Future Jul 27, 2020 ... Four macrotrends emerging from the Covid-19 pandemicOver the past four months, Cassandra has looked at how major facets of youth culture have been rocked by the Covid-19 pandemic, in turn giving rise to new cultural trends, attitudinal shifts, and behavioral changes in its wake.This final report for Q2 calls out four macrotrends that are emerging from the many shifts we’ve been pinpointing throughout last quarter. These seemingly disparate trends are all grounded in how today’s Millennials and ...
Parenting 101 Jun 07, 2016 family health & wellness parenting technology blended children dads moms ... An overview of major topics affecting moms and dads today.While the fundamentals of childrearing are largely the same today as they were for parents of previous generations, the makeup of families differs drastically. Moreover, modern moms and dads have added elements to consider, mostly due to the influence of technology and the access it grants their children. Parents face a new set of issues, such as the effects the digital world has on what their children learn and at what age, as well ...
Personal Property Sep 18, 2017 community home décor rural suburban urban ... (see Creating For The Creators). Many young adults are designing or decorating goods themselves or even adding their own touch to the home items they buy. For instance, consider the ease with which young adults can contact an Etsy seller requesting for furniture and décor to be made to the exact specifications they dream up. At the same time, they’re giving rise to affordable home-related brands that emphasize customization (see examples), such as BenchMade Modern, which promotes the idea that ...
The Education, Work & Success Perspective Jun 09, 2020 ... Young adults are taking time to reevaluate their goals and desires when it comes to work, education, and their overall success and life path. Many American young adults immediately felt the impact of the pandemic when they were sent home from school before the year’s end or required to work from home, laid off, or furloughed. Such changes happened seemingly overnight, and for the first few weeks of the pandemic students and educators and workers and employers were figuring it all out together ...
The Relationships & Community Perspective May 12, 2020 ... The ways that young people connect, feel a sense of togetherness, and maintain relationships will evolve rapidly in the wake of Covid-19 and create unprecedented opportunities for brands.More than five years ago, Cassandra predicted the rise of “eLationships,” a trend we identified related to the rise of online-only friendships. Even then, for many young people, digital relationships were as meaningful as their IRL counterparts. Much like their in-person friendships, their digital friendships ...
Open House Sep 10, 2015 community home décor ... they’re proud of and can show off, especially as they’re now able to do so both online and off. Yet, their desires present a paradox: Ys want the ability to design and socialize in their home, but since they can’t commit to a place for the long-term, they don’t want to invest a lot of money and effort into their space. As one 27-year-old man told us, “I don’t want to put too much into my apartment because I don’t know how long I’ll live there, but if my space isn’t that nice and homey, it makes me ...
Live, Not Buy: Gen Z Activism Mar 22, 2020 ... UK. And for Zs in the U.S., this number has increased 9 points since 2016 when 21% of Zs reported engaging in this behavior. While older generations might scoff at online activism, feeling that it isn’t real or effective, for young people, digital actions are just as legitimate and constitute meaningful activism. Consider the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements that have had an IRL impact on perpetrators like Harvey Weinstein. For realistic Zs, who are young and living busy lives, spreading the word ...
Category Lens Mar 18, 2020 ... Implications of Purpose & Polarization on categoriesLearn about the impact of Purpose & Polarization on retail, fast moving consumer goods, technology, entertainment & media, and auto and how your brand can make meaningful moves in an era of polarity and uncertainty.RETAILPlurality & Polarization have unique and specific implications for retail. The inherent complexity of today’s retail journey means that polarization will inevitably impact a retail brand. What are some of the implications of ...
CHANGEables Feb 29, 2016 social consciousness activism politics ... year, and sometimes more than once a year, an issue will spread like wildfire on social media and find it has hundreds of thousands of new, young supporters around the world, for a time. Global youth so greatly value togetherness and being part of the group that they can get swept up in joining a cause or movement because it helps them feel connected to their peers. In this way, social movements have become “meme-ified,” treated as disposable cultural touchpoints that are only top of mind for a ...