Parenting 101 Jun 07, 2016 family health & wellness parenting technology blended children dads moms ... for their children to just be kids, and they seek to accomplish this by having them experience what they did at a young age. Nearly six in 10 parents in the U.S. (58%) and half in the UK (50%) say they watch or plan to watch certain TV shows and movies they saw as a child with their kids, and half in both countries say the same about playing board games and reading books from their youth. They also look back fondly at food they enjoyed while growing up, with 51% of parents in the U.S. and a third ...
POP Trends Jun 12, 2014 media & entertainment retail books music TV ... transferred to the Hudson River Museum in NY. New journal The Arcade Review aims to supplement the standard, news-driven coverage of the gaming world with critical theory about both mainstream and experimental games and their makers.PLAY CAFES Off-screen and IRL, old-fashioned board games are resonating among young players. In fact, 40% of respondents expressed a preference for board games, which ranked second under mobile games (42%), and Kickstarter has reported that tabletop games scored better funding ...
Family Ties Jun 13, 2016 ... that playing video games and sports, and taking their kids to the movies and live events are their top ways to bond.Which of the following, if any, do you consider your five favorite ways to bond with your child?Please select your five favorites. Playing together (e.g., with toys, board games) | Watching tv/ movies together | Spending time outside together (e.g., fishing, swimming, hiking) | Eating meals together at home | Reading books together | Going on trips together | Playing ...
Tech Truths Mar 21, 2019 ... digitally-based into ones that are, which further fuels their always-on existence. For instance, they've given rise to eSports, making video games just as valid of a sport as physical activities that aren’t played via a screen. Similarly, they're turning to digital-only festivals, which aren't merely a livestream of a physical concert, but rather, exist only in a virtual venue. They're also giving analog content, like board games, a digital upgrade to better meet their preferences. Whereas Ys crave ...
IRL (In Real Live) Dec 11, 2016 media & entertainment events festivals TV ... transforming TV and streaming shows into live events, brands and entertainment properties should consider doing this for music, games, and literature, too. They could host listening parties for albums, as is currently being done on a niche level with vinyl listening events like Classic Album Sundays for people to enjoy the medium together. The rapid popularity of eSports means brands could host events where this content is screened, and they could offer live events around board games and video games in ...
School Of (Work)Life Sep 23, 2017 career education social life college company culture friends ... university life for fear of it leading to an Animal House-like environment, but with the right systems in place and respect for young employees, this doesn't need to be a cause for concern. Healthcare software company Epic is among the employers catering to these priorities; it boasts more than 70 clubs from ultimate frisbee to board games, so all employees can find a social outlet that fits them personally. It also has a “class” of 22-year-old coworkers who undergo the experience of entering the ...
The Community Well Jun 02, 2015 health & wellness social life experiences fitness friends social media ... which friends gather to discuss long-form pieces, as does blogger Joanna Goddard of A Cup of Jo. Ys are creating mindful activities on their own, but brands should also consider helping them further their efforts, as more than 1 in 8 say they’re interested in nightlife options that offer opportunities for self-improvement. In response, some bars are sponsoring roundtable discussions about pop culture, providing board games for people to boost their strategic thinking skills, and hosting reading ...
Shared Fandom Nov 28, 2023 ... agree or disagree. My child(ren) and I have similar taste in…U.S. ParentsStrongly/Somewhat Agree Summary Movies | Music | TV shows | Sports | Video games | Podcasts Frequency of ActivitiesHow frequently do you and your child(ren)...?U.S. ParentsDaily/Often Summary Watch movies together | Listen to music together | Watch TV shows together | Find new TV shows or movies to watch together | Read books together | Find new games to play together | Play games (cards, board games, puzzles ...
Entertainment & Media Data May 27, 2020 ... for pleasure | Shopping online | Cleaning/doing laundry/organizing my living space | Working on side projects to earn money | Taking care of myself (e.g., DIY facials, grooming) | Working on passion projects (e.g., art, music) for fun | Entertaining friends/family | Playing physical games (e.g., board games, cards) | Listening to podcasts | Drinking alcohol* | Other | None of these ANALOGUE ACTIVITIESWhich of the following, if any, are true for you?Select all that apply. I am ...
Entertainment & Media Data Mar 01, 2021 ... disagree with each of the following statements?Global Culture Forecast 2018Strongly/Somewhat Agree Summary I am impressed by people who are good at playing video games | Video games can make me smarter | I like watching video game competitions | I like watching people play video games in public spaces Types of GamingWhat types of games, if any, do you like to play?Global Culture Forecast 2018Please select all that apply. Puzzle games | Multiplayer games | Solo player games | Board games | First ...