Culture Spotlight On France Jun 09, 2018 ... . Meanwhile, gaming is evolving from a pastime to an essential part of the country’s culture, with nearly half of French youth (48%) saying it’s hard to be up-to-date on popular culture in their country if they don’t pay attention to gaming. As the country’s tech scene grows with France’s President Emmanuel Macron leading a push to make the country renowned for innovation, its status as a gaming leader will likely continue to grow. On Board (Games): Analog Games Catch OnAlthough young ...
The Age Of Innocence Dec 14, 2017 alcohol play social life board games nightlife ... public venues, such as watching TV, playing video games, and playing board games (see chart below).I've noticed my nightlife starting to get pretty tame in recent years, and I think this is a trend overall. I like spending time with people where at the end I feel like it was quality time, and I don't get that as much when we are out at a loud bar where we can't talk. I definitely find that my friends and I are spending more time doing smaller group activities and tamer activities like board ...
Parents on Board May 01, 2023 community family gen z gender parenting children dads hobbies moms ... Cassandra's 2023 Parents on Board ReportWelcome to Cassandra's "Parents on Board" ReportWe recommend viewing the following slides in full screen mode. ...
Home & Away Entertainment Trends Dec 06, 2018 ... service representations for travel services | None of the above Overall, young people in the U.S. and UK are split 50/50 between enjoying or dreading spending time at airports.AIRPORT ENTERTAINMENTWhen traveling, young people crave the distraction of entertainment to help pass the time. Among Trendsetters, 46% in the U.S. and UK would like to have entertainment offerings (e.g., TVs, board games) available to them when at the airport. Additionally, 33% of Trendsetters in both countries would like to ...
(Ana)logging Off Dec 01, 2016 media & entertainment board games books music ... with which they grew up and provides sensorial elements (consider the feel of an LP or the smell of a new book). Analog media projects a retro cool that modern equivalents just can’t beat. Listening to vinyl rather than Spotify, reading a paperback rather than a Kindle, or playing a board game rather than World of Warcraft touts a tastemaker aura with which online media just can’t compete.Today, having physical records, books, or games suggests that one has taken the time to track down ...
Culture Spotlight On South Korea Jun 16, 2018 ... few years, and Koreans have found activities and themes to help make their shops stand out. There are cafés with board games and comic books, VR, and animal experiences. These animal-themed cafés aren’t just the standard cat and dog cafés that have been popping up in the U.S. recently; in South Korea, visitors can come across sheep, raccoons, and even meerkats, all while sipping on their admission ticket of coffee.THE RISE OF FEMINISM IN SOUTH KOREANearly one-third of South Korean youth feel ...
The New Social Norms Dec 18, 2017 social life friends nightlife social media ... nightlife, not only are they drinking less, if at all, but they're also becoming more interested in activities that benefit their brain. Rather than seeking out sex, drugs, and rock n' roll as was typical of their predecessors, Ys and Zs are ushering in The Age of Innocence. They're far less drawn to wild nightlife experiences than were youth in the past, and when they do go out, they're often seeking playful yet productive nights involving board games or crafts, or intellectually stimulating ones, such ...
Free For All Sep 19, 2019 ... apply. Listen to music | Watch movies/TV shows | Watch TV/videos | Browse social media | Talk to friends/family (e.g., on the phone, texting) | Play video games | Clean/do laundry/organize my living space | Take care of myself (e.g., DIY facials, grooming) | Shop online | Cook | Read for pleasure (not for school/work) | Exercise/play sports | Drink alcohol | Have friends/family over for dinner/drinks/parties | Play physical games (e.g., board games, cards ...
Global Analog Trends May 29, 2018 ... supplementing their digital consumption with analog content and gadgets, from vinyl records and physical cameras to print magazines and board games. Brands that tap into this old school consumption habit can stand out in today's digitally-driven world and this countertrend is poised to grow as young people are even sharing their analog consumption habits online, encouraging their friends and followers to embrace such mediums, too.LO-FI LISTENINGDespite the prevailing popularity of music streaming platforms ...
Marketing Tips For Engaging Modern Parents Jun 20, 2016 family marketing parenting children dads moms ... spend more time at home with their child. The policy applies to both moms and dads welcoming a biological, adopted, or foster child into their family.Hasbro In “Get Your Family Game On,” kids acknowledge that there are many distractions that prevent them from enjoying time together as a family, but they nonetheless want to bond more and suggest doing so by playing board games. ...