Men Today Sep 03, 2013 ... their children’s lives than ever before: Just over a third of male respondents with kids say they handle the bulk of the parenting responsibilities, with another 44% saying these duties are shared evenly between them and their partner. Two-thirds agree that parenting and household responsibilities should be shared evenly between partners regardless of gender. But this new truth is rarely reflected in entertainment or marketing, where the old gender clichés hold fast. Thirty-six percent of men say ...
Marketing Tips Sep 16, 2015 marketing ... navigate this new stage of adulthood, with tips such as “take time for yourself” and “be prepared for the unexpected.” Plum Organics’ spot “Parenting Unfiltered” shows how parenting is complex, filled with uncertainty, and requires people to take chances. Instead of depicting a perfectly composed and staged portrayal of parenthood, the ad embraces unpredictable moments and positions them as an adventure. - 7. CELEBRATE SINGLE PARENTS - As Ys pick and choose which life milestones are relevant to ...
Off-Roading Oct 05, 2015 ... an archaic notion. As Ys come into their parenting years we expect to see the rise of the alternative family, and the growing acceptance of nontraditional approaches like co-parenting and communal living. The new, Off-Roading consumer will push marketers to shake up their standard messaging. Tropes that show individuals of certain ages at stereotypically defined life stages—for example, the 16-year-old shopping for a first car, the 30-year-old buying a house, even the 50-year-old ...
Less Is Morality Dec 04, 2016 media & entertainment ethics TV ... the world and society. Young people are turned off by entertainment that presents characters and situations as black and white because the world isn’t black and white. As this shift has taken place, moral messages have faded from entertainment. Real life is rarely perfect (see Parenting Out Loud), and complex situations aren't often resolved with simple, tidy solutions; therefore lessons can’t be neatly packaged or tied up in a bow. This evolution is occurring in ...
ProPlay Mar 04, 2015 career gen z play ProPlay Uptime ... parenting”—Zs are being raised to inhabit the adult world as children. Xers, having seen the effects of Boomers’ arguably overinvolved parenting, are adopting a reverse childrearing mindset, often letting their kids direct their interests and earnestly regarding them with respect, but not necessarily as buddies. This is starting very early, as evidenced by the growing popularity of Learning Tower structures (and the plethora of online instructions on how to DIY them) that allow children as young ...
Friends With Benefits Sep 02, 2015 relationships social life friends ... historically have larger and closer friend groups, are more likely than young men to turn to their friends about these topics, as well as for advice about their careers, childcare, parenting, and growing up in general. Young men, on the other hand, are more likely than their counterparts to turn to their friends when they need to borrow money. Teen Zs, who are in an even more friends-focused life stage than Ys, are more likely than Ys to turn to their friends for advice on fashion, beauty and grooming ...
The New Social Order Dec 15, 2019 ... count makes someone "micro" as opposed to a full-fledged influencer, but a micro-influencer is loosely considered to be someone with 10,000 to 100,000 followers. Micro-influencers tend to have a specific focus, with followers who have similar interests, making them ideal for brands who want to target a specific group. This can range from parenting and fitness influencers to farmers and morticians to Disney fanatics and the sober curious—if there's a category to dream up, it's likely there's an ...
Life Skills Mar 10, 2015 education gen z play technology hobbies ... -solving acumen.TINKERING SCHOOLTinkering School is a California-based education program that uses engineering as a metaphor for life to teach children how to solve real world problems. The program—which includes afterschool classes, workshops, and summer camps—was created by software engineer/writer/speaker/TED contributor Gever Tulley as a way to reclaim some of the freedom (both intellectual and physical) lost by previous generations due to helicopter parenting. The goal is to empower students with ...
Break It UP Dec 07, 2015 relationships dating divorce ... parenting in the aftermath of a divorce still may be challenging, but kids are viewed as a testament to how good the couple was when they were together. (In addition, the stigma around dating a divorced person has waned significantly: only 29% say they would never date someone who had been married in the past.) Young people are also more comfortable moving on when a relationship has run its course because they are well aware that they are projected to live longer than previous generations. This extended ...
10 Gender Takeaways Sep 17, 2013 ... , despite their heightened role in parenting and household responsibilities, are continually excluded from ads that might otherwise appeal to them as dads and husbands. But women, too, feel alienated and left out when a product they might be interested in fails to address them. Brands, especially those in categories that have traditionally targeted a single gender, must begin to make an effort to feature both genders, even if just in supporting roles. The attempt will go a long way in appealing to every ...