Influence Buy Category Dec 12, 2019 ... wide range of opportunities for your brand to branch out into other areas where youth are known to make purchases. For example: with the knowledge that youth who follow video game influencers are more likely to make restaurant purchases, restaurant or food brands should seek out partners with video game influencers in order to tap into their following—who we already know are likely to spend their money on restaurants. ...
Live, Not Buy: Gen Z Activism Mar 22, 2020 ... responsibility were becoming the trend—and later, the norm. And as Ys experienced a loss of institutional trust, they began to put their faith in the corporations they patronized to help them live out their values. TOMS, founded in 2006, was one of the first companies that was built on the idea of altruism, which resonated among Ys who possess an idealistic outlook on life. When it comes to Y’s outlook on brand activism, it became possible for them in their lifetime to literally buy into the notion ...
Hi & Buy Jun 15, 2017 retail apps e-commerce shopping video ... when shopping offline. Much like in-store retail has expanded to include social and entertainment components, Zs want online shopping to reflect their penchant for consuming digital content and hanging out with friends online (see Social Live), combined with the functional aspects that help make online shopping convenient. This is giving rise to live online shopping apps that allow consumers to shop online during a dictated moment in time, making it a more interactive experience. Facebook live ...
Life For Like Dec 14, 2019 ... creators can put their lives, along with their values, on display for the world to see. And while in the past, sharing such private details of one’s life would have seemed strange, today, oversharing on social media is the expectation. Around half of youth in the U.S. and UK (54% and 52%, respectively) and six in 10 U.S. Trendsetters wish influencers posted more about their personal lives. For influencers, who build their followings through showcasing every aspect of their lifestyle, sharing the ...
Side Buy Side Dec 12, 2017 marketing social life friends ... Modern youth are more exposed to what brands their friends like than were youth in previous generations, and with this greater awareness comes greater influence.Although youth have always held much influence over their friends in terms of what they do and buy, it's never been more prevalent as it is for Gens Y and Z given that today, young people are influencing their friends both online and off, and as much passively as they are purposely. Modern youth are simply more exposed to what ...
Free For All Sep 19, 2019 ... around. For this cohort, being perceived as unproductive or lazy is not an option, and are in fact sentiments they resent. To increase their productivity potential, Ys have blended their work and personal lives, making them more likely to dip in and out of personal life and work responsibilities. But because their workdays are less rigid, it’s normal for them to break up their days with short breaks or leave work early to meet friends for a drink or make an exercise class and then hop back online ...
Need For Speed Sep 20, 2018 ... needs met and aren't looking for a leisurely experience-based type of shopping, they’re seeking ways to save their precious time and cut out what they see as unnecessary obstacles. In this vein, all brands should consider how they can remove steps for consumers when they're interacting with their brand, whether online or off. E-commerce can also become more frictionless in reducing the steps to browse and buy, streamlining people's search process by preventing choice overload (see Cease & Assist ...
Buy Not Mar 05, 2016 marketing retail social consciousness activism shopping ... attention, and with consumption messaging on the verge of a tipping point, they are beginning to find pride in opting out of a consumer culture that’s become too aggressive.I'm attempting to buy less when I can (or buy used). Not only is it difficult financially to keep up with buying new things and paying for housing, etc, but I'm conscious of the fact I don't need more things. In fact, I'm trying to minimize my possessions. This isn't always easy or possible, but it's something I value.ADAM, 26 ...
Would You(th) Care For A Cause? Mar 20, 2020 ... and dear to those in this cohort (see asset above). Ys, who are more apt to buy into support of a social cause or political issue (and more likely to pull support for a brand that does not support the same causes or issues) will feel good exchanging their capital for these kinds of innovative products and services—their dollar is their vote. Bonus points if you position your cause-oriented product or service as a luxury, in the way that a S’well has, which will create even more excitement ...
For Your Entertainment Mar 18, 2019 ... younger counterparts and their view tends to be more negative because they’re not experiencing the direct pleasure of gaming as a form of entertainment. Ys helped shift the attitude from gaming as a time waster to a legitimate and productive form of entertainment, paving the way for Zs who are propelling the gaming industry to new heights. Gaming is Zs’ #2 passion point, and they are taking their passion for gaming one step further than Ys by monetizing this fun pastime and giving rise to eSports (see ...