Intro — The Fresh Face of Self-Expression

The Fresh Face of Self-Expression

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, but as an industry that used to rely heavily on a singular image to sell products: a thin, white, cisgender woman, the beauty world is showing not just progress but may be on the precipice of rejuvenation as today’s youth shift their ideas on identity, gender, body type, sexual orientation, and more.

With their combined annual spending power of $140 billion, today's youth is continuing to push the entire concept of beauty and the beauty industry forward - challenging notions that products have to be packaged in pollutive plastic or look like the perfect, gendered image of the past.

This means a celebration - or at least tolerance- for “imperfections’. Freckles, scars, acne, and body weight are beautiful. Seeing yourself for who you are and loving yourself holistically for who you are is exciting, and there appear to be no limits to what exactly "beauty" means to today’s youth. As long as it is an authentic and safe expression, it should be more than welcome worldwide.

In this month's report, we go more than just skin deep and establish a multi-step routine to discover:

  • How are depictions of beauty changing within the industry?
  • When launching a new beauty brand, is ‘star power’ attractive to today’s youth?
  • As the world reopens, how are youth visually expressing themselves both in their personal and professional lives?

Join us as Cassandra becomes your one-stop beauty shop to refresh and restore your perspective and bring to light the imperfections of traditional beauty standards to help create your updated look.