Self Made Marketing Tips Sep 09, 2017 career home marketing money branding ... Mission" features footage shot by staff using GoPro cameras after the company encouraged its 14,000 employees to document their year of travel. The creation helps viewers see the personality and humanity of the company through real stories of people who reflect the passion for the brand. Delta Earlier this year, Delta thanked its 80,000 employees by naming them all during a 50-hour Facebook Live event. Employees could visit a microsite to find out when their name would be read and by ...
The Urge To Splurge Mar 16, 2019 ... younger generations, these priorities start to shift, as Gen Ys prioritize spending on luxury food and experiences that allow them to enjoy their splurges in a highly social and shareable format. And while most members of this generation are not financially independent quite yet, Gen Zs’ splurges tend to be more aligned with categories that they can display for social currency, such as clothing and shoes that convey their personal visual brand online and IRL, a crucial component they carefully ...
Personal Best Mar 18, 2018 fashion & beauty health & wellness grooming personal care skincare ... products, particularly when it comes to items they put in and on their bodies. Brands can help them in their quest to avoid excess and optimize their daily rituals by offering a streamlined shopping process through customization and emphasizing quality over quantity. - Personalized Hair Care - Cloud10 With the help of cosmetic chemists in Italy, Cloud10 has created dozens of original shampoo and conditioner formulas. Shoppers take a short online quiz to discover the ideal formulas for their hair and ...
Show Me Love Dec 09, 2015 relationships spending love ... that they don’t need to self-promote online. They seek to reach a point where they can do things simply for the benefit of themselves and take photos for their own enjoyment, rather than posting them to get approval. They may still choose to share a picture, but the intention behind it is purer. Getting A Boost From Brands As young people are looking to achieve happiness with and for themselves, brands should further promote this effort and make it easier for consumers to feel this way. Many young ...
R&R (Rest & Replay) Mar 15, 2018 health & wellness marketing media & entertainment mindfulness ... Entertainment that evokes mindfulness is on the rise, as young consumers drive demand for content that relieves stress and enhances their mental state.While the constant influx of content that modern consumers are exposed to can incite much anxiety, young adults are turning this problem caused by their access into a solution. Increasingly, they're navigating through the noise in the online realm and creating and consuming content that provides catharsis. Much as they embrace methods of ...
Glutton Goals Jun 14, 2017 food & beverage gen z body image social media soda ... -demand delivery service Postmates to frantically order Cinnamon Toast Crunch, while others described rushed trips to 7-Eleven after school to buy processed snacks. In the past, a teen might have rebelled against a parent who didn’t let them have junk food in the house by gulping down soda and chips in their dorm as soon as they gained independence, but for Zs, there’s less need for revolt. Since they’re highly educated about food and beverages, their parents turn to them for input on grocery shopping ...
The New Social Norms Dec 18, 2017 social life friends nightlife social media ... Gens Y and Z are creating a new social code around friendship dynamics, social habits, and nightlife, driving a need for brands to update the ways they depict and engage young people in their social lives. The current state of socializing looks radically different from that of previous generations, as well as from just five to 10 years ago. Gens Y and Z are spurring notable shifts when it comes to what they value in their social lives, how they hang out with friends, and what they deem cool in ...
Gen Z Micro Trends Jun 12, 2017 gaming gen z media & entertainment board games books news ... Trends pertaining to gaming, reading, and news are developing based on Gen Zs' digital access and social media behaviors. - #GameNight - Game night has evolved in the age of social media as Gen Zs are increasingly sharing the experiences of the physical games they play with their social feeds. The performative aspect of analog games is more important than ever, as it's no longer just players who need to be entertained but also their online followers. A new crop of games help Zs bond with those ...
Gen Z Marketing Tips Jun 11, 2017 ... attention and admiration. - 1. Go live - Zs are increasingly drawn to live video entertainment, as evidenced by their usage of live hangout platforms to bond with friends (see Social Live) and their adoption of live video tools when shopping online (see Hi & Buy). Brands across all industries should tap into Zs' desire for such content, giving them entertainment to consume in-the-moment, so they can feel part of a shared digital experience. Toys "R" Us Given that the Toys "R" Us' mascot is a giraffe ...
Global Art & Design Trends May 26, 2018 ... and who they’re targeting—are appealing to young people around the world for multiple reasons. An obvious one is the pleasure they derive from ‘gramming a noteworthy experience; social media "likes" are a form of social currency that’s all but guaranteed to accumulate after a visit to one of these destinations. Two in 10 global youth have gone to an event so they could post about it on social media, with young people in India (31%), Nigeria (31%), China (31%), Indonesia (30%), and South ...