ROI (Return On Image) Dec 08, 2014 social life social media Brand Me Digital Intimacy ... mindset. Young people are growing more deliberate about what they post, thinking less like “sharers” and more like cinematic “storytellers” who create content with audience engagement in mind. Like directors, they are employing carefully planned production techniques to ensure the greatest ROI (Return on Image), which comes in the form of peer admiration and an enhanced “Brand Me.” The shift from sharer to storyteller has resulted from increased competition among creators in the social sphere. Now ...
Dress To Thrill Dec 07, 2017 fashion & beauty social life clothing nightlife ... provide the biggest ROI (Return On Image). For young people who dread social lives being boring or repetitive, it’s not just bars, clubs, and other nightlife venues that can offer something new and different; brands can offer an interesting event that also presents its aesthetic and style for consumers to identify with. Trendsetters prefer to get dressed up when they go out—59% in the UK and 55% in the U.S.—so although less than half of the general population of youth says this, the trend ...
Digital Intimacy Dec 04, 2014 relationships social life social media Digital Intimacy eLationships ... behind-the-scenes moments of their lives and telling a more personal story to achieve the greatest ROI (Return on Image). As young consumers strive to develop more deeply rooted connections online, brands need to consider how they can also create a greater sense of intimacy in their digital communications. Social media allows marketers to publicize their messages to the broadest audiences, but in doing so, brands don’t always leave a meaningful impression on consumers. That’s not to say brands should ...
Pairing Off Dec 02, 2015 global relationships apps dating ... have met a love interest through such a service aren’t exactly thrilled by the fact of their having found them that way. Informing this relative indifference is their hunger for remarkable stories to share. Meeting on Tinder? It happens all the time. Meeting on an airplane? It sounds like the making of a (so bad it’s) good rom-com. The rise of digital storytelling (see ROI [Return On Image]) has heightened the importance of narration, yet the now-common occurrence of meeting digitally no longer ...
The Joyride Dec 07, 2018 ... transforming ordinary moments of their lives into important, shareworthy events (see ROI [Return On Image]), brands across all verticals have an opportunity to help them make the miles between point A and point B count.ON THE ROAD AGAINIn the same way that young people care about much more than the final product, whether it be clothing, entertainment, or food/beverages, they also care about more than the final destination. They are interested in knowing about the path to get there, both literally ...
WELLth Investors Jun 01, 2015 community health & wellness money social life spending retirement saving social media ... unleashes a flood of chemicals in the brain that trigger the same types of bonding responses that make communal experiences like laughing, dancing, and worshipping such enduring aspects of human culture. In other words, sharing the workout experience helps turn fitness into a rewarding addiction, one that is amplified when Ys post their workouts on social media and receive positive feedback from followers [ROI (Return on Image), The Cassandra Report, Fall/Winter 2014]. The endorphins and ego boost that ...
Social (TV) Network Dec 10, 2016 media & entertainment social media TV ... their core focus. And as these spaces have become more crowded over time, the bar has been raised for content to be extra entertaining to stand out. Meanwhile, as young consumers craft each post, story, and video with much precision, considering themselves directors of the content they share (see ROI [Return on Image]), they’ve paved the way for their social feeds to become official entertainment outlets, well beyond a reality TV show of sorts in documenting their lives. Social media has ...
Demo Real Mar 04, 2016 community social consciousness activism causes and issues ... touches them personally or Facebook will notify them when people they know are attending a Black Lives Matter rally, which resonates as an invite to join. In turn, spreading awareness and going to such events gives them something to share in their own feeds, not only by saying that they’re attending but also through posting photos and comments throughout the event and in the aftermath (see ROI [Return On Image]). What’s more, being able to physically and digitally share such experiences with ...
Brand We Dec 05, 2015 family global relationships marriage ... “matrimania,” can be attributed to young people’s desire for earned ROI (Return on Image), through which they seek compelling personal narratives and behind-the-scenes content to share and connect over online. I'd rather pay for a very long honeymoon or put the money to a house fund than spend tons of money on a party that lasts a few hours, with people I won't see ever again and family I barely speak to. I think it is very hypocritical, throwing a big party just to impress everyone. In my case, that's ...
Parents on Board May 01, 2023 community family gen z gender parenting children dads hobbies moms ... Cassandra's 2023 Parents on Board ReportWelcome to Cassandra's "Parents on Board" ReportWe recommend viewing the following slides in full screen mode. ...