Culture Spotlight On Nigeria Jun 10, 2018 ... In Nigeria, gaming and novels acknowledge local culture, while music blends native beats with international sound.Increasingly, the popular culture resonating in Nigeria reflects the climate of the country, with novels about real-world issues and games representing local life.Get In The Game: Titles Reflecting Local Life Are WinningThe gaming industry in Nigeria is rapidly growing, with revenues from domestic video games anticipated to rise by an average annual rate of 16% for the next four ...
Bringing Culture into Focus Jul 27, 2023 career community design education gen z gender global art civil rights entrepreneurs feminism festivals local music news nightlife politics sports ... Cassandra's Bringing Culture into Focus ReportWelcome to Cassandra's "Bringing Culture into Focus" ReportWe recommend downloading the PDF or viewing the following slides in full screen mode. ...
Geomarking Sep 09, 2014 global marketing media & entertainment local culture video ... Ys are putting a local spin on global phenomena to celebrate their region while simultaneously acknowledging their connection to shared international culture. While communities throughout history have taken pride in flaunting their local flavor, never before has a generation been able to do so on such an international scale, nor as rapidly. Now, when Global Ys (GYs) want to celebrate their local identity, the world is their audience. They’re accomplishing this goal by taking a concept that ...
First Glocals Sep 04, 2014 global travel local culture ... Ys are closely connected to the global community, yet this unification has created a greater need to preserve their local identity, culture, and heritage.Technology has broken down the barriers between far-flung countries, making cultural overlap more prevalent than ever—and making Millennials the first generation of truly global citizens. These “first globals” share an unprecedented connectedness and consciousness, which has given rise to an internationally informed cultural experience that ...
Have Guidance, Will Travel Dec 08, 2018 ... to Morocco next April, will welcome guests to the brand’s new Equinox Hotels.West Elm Earlier this year, home goods retailer West Elm launched West Elm LOCAL Experiences, continuing the brand’s investment in creative communities and local economies. Participants are invited to engage with artists and craftsman in unique experiences, learning knowledge or skills reflective of the local culture and/or craft, making it particularly appealing to those visiting the area.New York Times Urban Adventures ...
Shopography Sep 16, 2016 community retail brick-and-mortar malls shopping ... they barely notice the person on the other side of the counter. These staid retail formats embody, literally, the consumerist culture that young people have begun to shun. Youth are reacting to a lack of community and character in the modern shopping ecosystem. Far from feeling personal and local, many malls, high streets, and department stores have come to offer an unprecedented array of mass global brands—think H&M, Topshop, Macy’s, and Uniqlo—making these retail ...
Living Experiments Sep 11, 2015 community home local culture Cultural Diplomats Opportunity Nomads ... research to fully explore the local culture; they are getting out of their comfort zone with the aim of self-discovery. Ys look to brands for help with many areas of their lives, and this is no different. They will embrace brand-sponsored media that covers those who have taken such a leap of faith to give them inspiration as they plan their own Living Experiments. Brands, particularly those that are global, are advantageously positioned to give young people advice and tips on how to immerse themselves ...
The Joyride Dec 07, 2018 ... of local culture and flair to passengers' journey.JetBlue’s Rosé Flight To ring in the summer, JetBlue hosted a rosé-themed flight cleverly dubbed Up, Up and Rosé! Passengers on the outbound flight from Logan Airport were treated to an in-flight rosé wine tasting led by the airline’s in-house wine expert, Jon Bonné. Passengers also received a complimentary fruit and cheese platter that paired with the wine.JetBlue’s Sam Adams Tasting JetBlue partnered with Sam Adams for an Oktoberfest ...
Welcome To The Club Dec 13, 2018 ... people who do choose to live in a specific location aren't usually doing so to feel part of a community, as such is less likely to exist today. Additionally, today’s young adults aren’t relying on their neighbors for support or a sense of belonging as previous generations did—as a result, they aren't settling into a place with the intention to stay and forming a community. Most locales no longer have an appointed center of local culture—school districts have been disrupted by alternative ...
(Pas)Sport Mar 24, 2017 play travel local culture sports tourism vacation ... Youth consider sports a key part of the travel experience, with many planning trips around watching and playing games, or aspiring to do so.Young generations crave local immersion when they travel, wanting to connect with the people, history, and lifestyle of a place, including getting a taste for the activities reflective of that region. To that end, they’re increasingly engaging with the sports culture when visiting a destination—both as spectators and participants—because ...