Fact or (Science) Fiction? — What's Real in the Metaverse? Sep 29, 2022 gaming gen z gender media & entertainment retail technology travel augmented reality books college ethics fitness gamification internet of things personalization school social media toys video virtual reality wearables
Analog Learning In The Digital Age — The Future Of Education Aug 25, 2022 education gaming gen z gender technology books college ethics gamification personalization school social media toys video virtual reality
Mind The Gap Jun 16, 2016 family gender parenting activism children ... gender neutral parenting, in which both boys and girls are allowed to enjoy freely clothing, toys, activities, and entertainment rather than being confined based on their gender. Already, 36% of U.S. parents and 41% in the UK do not restrict their child to clothes/toys/activities specific to his/her gender. For example, boys who wish to take ballet classes or play with Disney Princesses may do so, and girls who want to join the football team or play with Transformers may likewise partake&mdash ...
The Parent Trap Jun 11, 2016 family parenting dads moms ... there for parents, as well as peer pressure. I did succumb to it a few times and bought useless, overpriced items, but now I mainly use common sense, instinct and friends' recommendations.MIHAELA, 33, UKFrustrated with all the excess—a quarter of young parents in the UK and two in 10 in the U.S. say their child’s toys and possessions are taking over their home—they’re now paring back. This desire is fitting given Ys’ dismissal of ownership and rising anti-consumerist attitudes (see ...
Gen Z Marketing Tips Jun 11, 2017 ... attention and admiration. - 1. Go live - Zs are increasingly drawn to live video entertainment, as evidenced by their usage of live hangout platforms to bond with friends (see Social Live) and their adoption of live video tools when shopping online (see Hi & Buy). Brands across all industries should tap into Zs' desire for such content, giving them entertainment to consume in-the-moment, so they can feel part of a shared digital experience. Toys "R" Us Given that the Toys "R" Us' mascot is a giraffe ...
Gen Z Global Trends Jun 13, 2017 gen z global ... regard shopping as a social experience and are more confident when shopping with others (56%)—far higher than other generations—meaning brands will need to rethink their influencer strategies, welcoming more young men into the equation. - CHINA: HI-TECH HOTBED - Zs in China (and their parents) favor toys with hi-tech elements and remote-control options that involve hand-brain coordination. Per a global toy news report, DJI, a world-famous brand of drones, is based in Shenzhen ...
The Freeform Movement Jun 12, 2016 gen z parenting play technology dads moms ... movement by developing more affordable, modular versions of these types of modern playgrounds. Among the available pieces are the Maze, a set of infinitely configurable cubes, and the Weeping Willow, an attractive metal structure affixed with dangling ropes or chimes. - FREEFORM TOYS - CREATIVITY FOR KIDS BY FABER-CASTELLFaber-Castell’s Creativity for Kids offers a range of products and kits that promote creativity by allowing for freeform building and design. One such product, the Creativity Can ...
ProPlay Mar 04, 2015 career gen z play ProPlay Uptime ... digital media as a given, not as a new invention, feel unprecedentedly empowered as children and adolescents. Whether it be grandparents via text messaging or peers on Instagram and YouTube, they have instant audiences with whom they can share the pursuits enjoyed in their free time (as do the Zs behind the Kids’ Toys YouTube channel*). Because they have the ability to create a public “Brand Me,” they are taking their free time more seriously. After all, how will everyone at school know how awesome ...
Fear Factors Mar 19, 2019 ... generations, as the CDC reports that from 2017-2018 just as many 14- to 44-year-olds in the U.S. meditated as did those over the age of 65 (13.4% of people in both age groups). Those aged 45-64 in the U.S. were most likely to have meditated during this period (15.9%). Usage of mindfulness apps is only poised to grow across all generations, as schools increasingly implement meditation and employers offer this benefit as well.Stress-Relieving Toys Toys that help relieve stress have been resonating in recent ...
Robot Relations Jun 16, 2017 career gen z technology school ... further still. Smart devices are becoming part of the family, and Zs are using them not only for tactical tasks like doing their math homework or ordering toys and cookies without their parents’ knowledge but also emotional ones like mediating arguments or entertaining friends. This is making A.I.-powered devices like Echo and Google Home feel humanlike to Zs, who regard them as family pets of sorts—just more wise than furry. While such shifts might spark alarm in luddites, kids aren’t concerned ...