The Home & Away Report

Young consumers are literally moving targets; to reach them, brands must recognize how they're approaching Home & Away.

The Home & Away Report identifies the emerging ways that young people are creating a sense of in-person community, how their penchant for travel affects this and their interaction with all industries, and where brands fit in to the new forms of connection that youth crave.

While Gens Y and Z are the most digitally connected cohorts, they're struggling to find their sense of belonging in person, as evidenced by their approach to home and travel. They’re not readily settling down in one place as their predecessors did, and are moving without first considering a sense of community. They’re also pursuing an on-the-go lifestyle to act on their passion for travel and are willing to make sacrifices in other areas of their life in order to be able to do so.

Available exclusively for Cassandra Members, The Home & Away Report explores how brands can find a place in modern youth’s transient lives. Open it to:

  • Learn how youth’s journey to Find Your Place differs from previous generations.
  • Note that young consumers are On The (Im)pulse of purchasing and planning spontaneous trips.
  • Join The Joyride by helping to make the journey as integral to the trip as the destination.
  • Study Marketing Tips that provide best-in-class examples for brands to engage young consumers around Home & Away.

And more!

At a Glance


Only 27% of young people in the U.S. and 25% in the UK say it’s important to them to put down roots/settle in an area


39% of youth in the UK and 35% in the U.S. don’t feel a sense of community where they live


60% of Trendsetters in the U.S. and 54% in the UK say they live to travel


77% of young people in the U.S. and 67% in the UK agree that the journey to a destination is as important as the destination itself

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