By Date

Influencer Marketing Tips

Check out Cassandra’s do’s and don’ts of influencer marketing and discover how your brand can reap the rewards and avoid the pitfalls of this direct-to-consumer marketing channel.

The Influencers

A quantitative overview of influencers - who they are and how they come to be.


A quantitative overview of the types of influencers young people follow today.

Laws Of Attraction

A qualitative overview of why young people today follow the influencers, celebrities, and athletes they do.

Social In Media

A quantitative overview of young people's preferences towards influencers posting content on social media.

Brand Influence(rs)

A quantitative overview of how brands play a pivotal role in the lives of young people when if comes to influencers.

Under The Influence

A quantitative overview of how young people's lives and purchasing behavior are influenced today.

Cultural Influence

A quantitative overview of the cultural influence influencers have on the lives of Gen Z and Gen Y.

Political & Social Influence

A quantitative overview of the influence that influencers, celebrities, and athletes have on young people today through demonstrating their political and social stances.

All Eyes On Me

A quantitative overview of Gen Z and Gen Y attitudes and preferences toward advertising.

Getting Canceled

A quantitative overview of Gen Z and Gen Y attitudes and perceptions toward cancel culture and super-fandom.

Set In (E)motion: The Guide to Gen Y Burnout

Explore the categories and ways in which Ys are burning out, how they’re dealing with each type of burnout, and what this means for brands.

Peace Of Mind: The Guide To Gen Z Burnout

Explore the categories and ways in which Zs are burning out, how they’re dealing with each type of burnout, and what this means for brands.

Always Be Hustling

Gen Ys and Gen Zs have adapted to the mentality that one should “always be hustling” in order to succeed and approach the concept in distinct ways based on their generational values and attitudes.

Over Stimulation

Youth experience near constant stimulation and struggle to find downtime, making it more important than ever for brands to position themselves as a solution and not add to the noise.

Free For All

Ys and Zs are using their free time to counteract the burnout they feel across multiple areas of their lives, providing an opportunity for brands to reach them when they’re in a state of greater receptivity, as well as support and inspire their various free time activities.

To Your Heart's Content

Young people today are overstimulated and burnt out, and they're seeking refuge in entertainment that allows them to disengage and recharge.

High Society

Today’s youth are self-medicating their burnout with CBD, drugs, food & beverage, and astrology, seeking remedial benefits on top of their desire to escape their stressful reality.

The Burnout

A quantitative overview of burnout and how it effects today's youth.

Everyday I'm Hustling

A quantitative overview of youth hustle culture.

Time Is of the Essence

A quantitative overview of how young people spend and prioritize their time.

Goals & Success

A quantitative overview of youth's goals and perceptions of success.

Feeling The Burn(out)

A quantitative overview of young people's awareness and behaviors towards burnout.

Work, Work, Work

A quantitative overview of youth work culture and experiences related to burnout.