By Date

Welcome To The Club

Young people are seeking out IRL community outside of their neighborhoods and creating new means to obtain it, presenting a key opportunity for brands to help them foster meaningful interactions with other like-minded people.

There's No Place Like Home(town)

Youth are proudly displaying where they’re from, as they're less likely to feel a connection to the communities where they live in adulthood.

Where There's A Will, There's Away

Young consumers prioritize travel so much that they're making concessions in other areas of their lives in order to have the money and/or time to go away.

On The (Im)pulse

Travel is becoming the new impulse purchase for modern young adults, as they tend to book trips spontaneously upon finding a good deal, disrupting loyalty in this category in the process.

Have Guidance, Will Travel

Young travelers are looking to tools and services that help alleviate the burden of planning a trip and allow them to focus on the joys of traveling.

The Joyride

When it comes to travel, modern youth are elevating the journey, presenting an opportunity for brands to help them create memorable experiences when in transit to their destination.

Home & Away Entertainment Trends

Young people are transforming downtime in the airport into an exciting and entertaining experience, as well as giving rise to genres that reflect their behaviors when it comes to travel and community.

Home & Away Retail Trends

Retailers are reaching people where they live and travel in new ways by focusing on the spaces where there are captive consumers: airports and co-working spaces.

Home & Away Work & Commuting Trends

Young people are improving their work lives by combining their jobs with their passion for travel and streamlining their commutes.

Home Life

A quantitative overview of young people’s current home life.

Community At Home

A quantitative overview of youth’s perceptions toward community at home.

Activities At Home

A quantitative overview of the activities young people take part in within their community.

A New Home

A quantitative overview of young people’s perceptions of moving to a new location.

Transportation & Commuting

A quantitative overview of young people’s attitudes and preferences toward commuting.

Brands & Home

A quantitative overview of youth’s spending habits and the impact brands have on young people’s communities.

General Travel Sentiments

A quantitative overview of young people’s sentiments toward traveling.

Travel 101

A quantitative overview of young people’s attitudes and preferences towards travel today.

Planning Travel

A quantitative overview of how young people plan their travel time.

The Journey

A quantitative overview of youth’s perceptions and attitudes toward traveling today.

Travel Buddies

A quantitative overview of young people’s preferences in regards to travel companions.

Travel & Accommodations

A quantitative overview of young people’s preferences and attitudes toward travel-related accommodations.

Travel & Transportation

A quantitative overview of young people’s transportation preferences while traveling.

Travel & Social Media

A quantitative overview of young people’s social media habits while traveling.

Spending & Travel

A quantitative overview of young people’s attitudes and habits toward spending when it comes to travel-related expenses.