Gen Z Visionaries Panel
Earlier this month, Cassandra held our very own Cassandra Sessions: Don’t Look Back surrounded by industry peers, an insightful keynote speaker, and of course our panel of wonderful Gen Z Visionaries, another highlight of the half-day event. Below, we’re giving readers a mini recap of the key takeaways of our conversation with Wilglory Tanjong @anima.iris, Oliver Kraftman @collateideas, Eniola Kolawole @enithingiwant, and Marissa Meizz @nomorelonelyfriends.

When asked about the drive behind the decision to start their own projects, the Gen Z Visionaries agreed that they all have a strong passion for what they do and felt they could respond to the needs of a community in a unique way. From the urge to create or the desire to be there for each other, these visionaries talked about how their sense of community gave them the motivation and drive to action their plans. Their can-do attitude also made them think: what’s stopping me?

It’s no secret that Gen Z values the opportunity to showcase their unique identity in any shape or form possible and our panel confirmed it. They highlighted the relevance of the internet and social media when it comes to self-expression, learning about different identities and cultures, and how every day that passes they are looking to be more unapologetically themselves while encouraging others to do so. In Eniola’s own words: “I’m not compromising in how I want to present myself. I want you to accept me as I am.” They put this quality into their passion projects as well.

The conversation with our Visionaries concluded with a challenge to brands to work harder in their efforts to understand and truly connect with them and their generation. They want brands to stop being performative about their efforts, for instance to see past a Black History Month campaign and instead start sponsoring spaces of co-creation with black artists and designers. Gen Z sees the brands they use as an extension of themselves but they also see themselves as an extension of the brands they use. They expect brands to work with them and give them access. For the brands they’re truly passionate about, they certainly have the drive to be your partner if you give them the chance.
Good news! If you want to hear the complete conversation and more, the video recording of Cassandra Sessions: Don’t Look back is now available to our members here.