Youth explore “old” new trends
Millennials and Gen Zs place great value on their overall well-being - with a large majority noting that their mental, physical, and spiritual health are all important has become part of the status quo when considering these younger cohorts. And there’s no shortage of new trends to partake in – even if some are actually over a thousand years old. Today we’re parsing out three to understand what draws Millennials and/or Gen Zs to each and why what’s old is new again.

Explore shadow work on TikTok — where the topic has nearly a billion views — you might find a type of therapy that dives deep. In fact, it touches not only on how you view the world but also on what triggers you, what you’ve suppressed, your inner child — and even your “dark side.” While this concept has been around for ages, it’s taking off in the spiritual corner of TikTok and beyond and has now become so popular because Gen Z is recognizing what a trap perfection is. While TikTok is full of shadow work prompts — aka questions to ask yourself and topics to journal about, experts recommend meeting with a trained therapist to help guide you through tough memories.

Here's another wellness trend catching on, and its name is pretty much self-explanatory. As opposed to stretching yourself, say, before a run, assisted stretching involves a trained practitioner who stretches your body for you beyond what you can achieve alone. The rising popularity of stretch therapy across the country has significantly impacted the health-and-wellness field, becoming more easily accessible thanks to the rise of stretching studios and certified flexologists who share their tips on TikTok and at spas as they begin adding this service to their menus.

Last month, Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, an older Millennial, announced that he would be attending a “Darkness Retreat,” in southern Oregon, where he hoped to gain some insight into what his next career move should be. Darkness Retreats have been a practice for thousands of years. Spending extended periods in quiet darkness is a common practice in certain branches of Tibetan Buddhism and Bon, a religious offshoot of traditional Buddhism. Participants are placed in complete darkness for an extended period. Food and water are provided, but since the environment promotes detoxing, one can assume that even meals are light. However, unlike the Buddist and Bon traditions, commercial retreats tend to have less focus on religious enlightenment and an increased emphasis on “detoxing” from the world. Apparently, four days in a cave was all it took for Rodgers to decide to trade the Packers uniform he’s worn since 2005 for a different shade of green, Jets green to be exact.