Spring Cleaning for your mind
Thinking about spring cleaning? The best place to start isn’t the bathroom, garage, or closets. According to reports, starting with your mind is a great way to reset, declutter, start a new habit or just make a change for a happier, healthier life. As the season inspires us to discard, cleanse, and organize, we have a clear spring in our step as we take a look at some growing trends beyond the mental refresh that journaling, brain training, and digital detoxing can bring during this season of renewal.

While the practice is centuries old, it has become more popular lately. With 1B views on TikTok, the viral #coldplunge trend features individuals immersing themselves in icy water for short periods of time. Associated with lower levels of stress and higher overall well-being, the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Kristen Bell, and Harry Styles have all shown that they enjoy a cold dip in an effort to tap into their highest self.

The term that was first defined in a video posted by two TikTokers @softgirlswhohike went viral in early April for coining "soft hiking," a concept they describe as someone hiking and walking through nature at their own pace and taking in the surroundings - is about being kind and gentle to oneself and taking breaks when necessary. The movement, having garnered over 584K views on TikTok appears to be picking up steam with those happy to go off trail to look at a cool tree, take a photo - or whatever else strikes your fancy to help relax and clear your mind.

Combining a physical workout class such as barre or pilates with mental health workshops conducted by a licensed professional, the best thing about a mind-fitness session at a mental health gym is its holistic approach to wellbeing. Reports suggest that it makes mental health resources more accessible, and workout classes are guaranteed to spike your dopamine levels. Although not a replacement for one-on-one therapy, gyms, like Coa and MindFit are popping up on both sides of the pond offering virtual group support classes, as well as private in-person sessions that prioritize joy above all else - which, as we know, is a non-negotiable for today’s Gen Zs.