Rethinking Daylight Savings
…and Other Things
Every year, we disrupt our sleep patterns and change our clocks (Spring Forward! Fall Behind!). This year, it got us thinking about other aspects of life that are being questioned. Let’s dive in.

Ah, Daylight Saving Time, that curious phenomenon where we collectively decide to mess with our clocks twice a year. When DST was first officially implemented in the United States in 1918, it was to conserve energy and maximize daylight hours. Today, we are regularly using devices that consume energy all day long regardless if the sun is up or not. With this constant consumption of energy, the amount of energy saved from DST is insignificant. So why do we still do it? Good question! And some medical experts advocate eliminating these seasonal changes. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says having standard time permanently would be beneficial since it aligns best with human circadian rhythm.
Anthony Voulgaris has taken to TikTok to challenge the status quo by coming for 9-to-5 work culture. His vision? A world where 9 am to 2 pm is the ideal workday. Anthony envisions a life where work doesn’t consume us. On his perfect day he’d head to the beach at 2 pm and still have time to whip up a gourmet dinner. He argues that the 9-to-5 option doesn’t leave much room for anything else. Piper Hansen, fresh out of college, landed a gig at the YMCA. Even though she feels her job is rewarding, she finds the 9-5 lifestyle depressing. Hansen and Voulgaris are not the only Gen Zers who have questioned the 40-hour work grind with many wondering how the traditional work schedule supports work-life balance.
Facing steep tuition costs, some Gen Zers are having a harder time justifying going to college. Traditionally viewed as an important stepping stone to success, the value of attending college is now being questioned, and especially for students whose college experiences were impacted by COVID. It took Rushil Srivastava just one semester to realize maybe it wasn’t the right fit for him. Srivastava was switched to online classes, perhaps contributing to the decision to drop out a few months after enrolling. Since then, Srivastava started a company to help individuals with their job search and has more than $1 million in venture-capital funding.