Youth seek alternative social media apps
Is your social media feeling a bit cluttered lately, with influencers and brands taking up feeds, explore pages, and stories–making it harder to see what your actual friends are up to? You’re not alone. Teens and young adults are lamenting that social media has become more media than social. With Facebook expected to experience its lowest annual growth rate to date, and Gen Z and Millennials continuing to question the motivation of big tech corporations, a return to social media that’s focused on fostering true connections is gaining attention and investment. Below, we’re highlighting three new social media apps positioned to be the next big thing.

Touting “no brands, ads or influencers,” HalloApp is a relationship network app with a focus on security. Built by notable founding figures of WhatApp, HalloApp is end-to-end encrypted (meaning it doesn’t store users’ data or interaction with others) and is currently free with a subscription feature to come. Featuring no algorithms, no engagement metrics, and real privacy– the HalloApp sounds like a breath of fresh air.

IRL is stepping in as an alternative for Facebook Events, facilitating “self-confidence” and taking away the “anxiety and social pressures of inviting friends to hang out in real life.” With over 12 million monthly users and a valuation of $1.17 billion, IRL hopes to become “the WeChat for the rest of the world.” As the world watches and waits for the pandemic to slow, IRL is ideally positioned to facilitate the next era of in-person events, IMO.

Meet Poparazzi–the anti-selfie social media platform. As authenticity continues to drive Gen Z and Millennials, the Poparazzi platform has no likes, no followers, and only your friends can post photos on your feed. Recently valued at around $135 million, the company leaned into the power of TikTok and created hype around its launch, generating close to 21 million views through #poparazziapp. And don’t worry, we checked, and yes, users can delete that one embarrassing photo that their best friend uploads. Whew!