A peek into the new year through the eyes of our Cassandra Collective
It’s the first Friday of 2024 so of course we at Cassandra are back with our recaps! And because this is a special week we come with a special version of our weekly digest on viral trends. This time we decided to give you a sneak peak into what Gen Z’s mindset is facing the new year going directly to the source: Our amazing Trendsetter panel, the Cassandra Collective. We asked about resolutions, challenges, and expectations and this is what they had to say:

Keeping a checklist at hand seems to not be the route taken by our Trendsetters. Instead, they have decided to approach this new year with a healthier mindset, focusing on taking care of what they can control instead of setting unrealistic goals. This Mental-health-savvy generation is constantly reshaping the societal expectations to what can provide a better and happier self. Some, instead of dismissing the idea of resolutions all-together, have decided to jump on trends that are a variation of it like Champagne Resolutions where people write their big resolutions on champagne —or sparkling juice for the sober-curious— bottles and they open them once they reach the intended goal.

- Emily, 27, KS, (Cassandra Collective)

Even though resolutions are not necessarily that appealing, the idea of having new attitudes when looking towards a new year still resonates with our Trendsetters. Many are trying to approach 2024 focused on their health and financial stability but also mention the importance of shaking things up and having more fun. The idea of flexibility is a fundamental one when it comes to their plans because if they’ve learned anything from the past couple of years it is that they need to always be ready for the unexpected!

- Janelle, 25, NV, (Cassandra Collective)

The idea of having freedom came up constantly when talking to our Trendsetters about their expectations. Either by having a stable financial situation, closing academic cycles, or traveling more, they are excited about the freedom this year could bring them. Many mentioned their upcoming travels as the part of 2024 they’re the most excited about! Hanging out with friends, getting together with family, and celebrating big events are also in the list, so we clearly see a 2024 filled with human connection.

- Ikram, 22, IL, (Cassandra Collective)