Enhancing Education in the Digital Age
It’s barely even August, yet students are already loading up their backpacks in preparation for the start of school. This new school year may look a little different thanks to the emergence of Generative AI, which has become increasingly prevalent in enhancing educational experiences and optimizing learning outcomes for students, educators, and institutions. With younger generations surrounded by digital tools such as AI homework helpers that Cassandra Daily reported on back in May, tech experts say it’s only a matter of time before classrooms become fully immersed in AI. Ahead, we’re cramming in order to be up on all the predictions fueling the conversations.

At the end of the 2022-2023 school year, Newark public schools became one of the first school systems in the United States to pilot test Khanmigo, an automated teaching aid developed by Khan Academy. Although initial reviews are mixed, the tutoring bot takes students through the sequential steps needed to solve a problem, where one teacher describes the bot as a useful “co-teacher” that allowed him to devote extra time to children who needed guidance while enabling more self-driven students to plow ahead.

Taking tutor bots to the next level, imagine walking into your school and being greeted by a friendly and helpful humanoid teacher! Scientists and engineers have been working on this for a while, primarily due to the existing pool of teachers not having enough time to address individual student's needs, and schools both virtually and in person have already played host to these AI educators. Furthermore, according to reports, AI can fill this gap by removing teachers from repetitive or routine learning tasks and instead allowing teachers to focus on what makes them impactful in students’ lives.

In an effort to cater to varied learning, AI digital textbooks can recommend rudimentary learning tasks, such as understanding basic concepts, for "slow learners" and in-depth learning tasks, such as discussions and essay writing, for "fast learners". Jumping into the potential benefits, the Ministry of Education in Korea announced earlier this year that beginning in 2025, it plans to equip Korean elementary, middle, and high schools with this latest technology, including an intelligent tutoring system, metaverse capabilities, and conversational AI, to help students participate in a greater variety of classes, including project-based learning and discussions with the teacher about information gleaned from the textbook.