Bridging the gap between the young and the old
As discussed in a recent Cassandra DailyRESPECT YOUR ELDERS, seniors today are redefining expectations and making their mark on society unexpectedly, whether through the rise of granfluencing, or even nostalgic aesthetics. And, with today dedicated to honoring and showing appreciation for the contributions, achievements, and wisdom of older adults in society, we recognize the valuable role that seniors play and how our younger cohorts celebrate the elderly in their lives.

For elderly folks who don't have friends or family nearby, life can be extremely lonesome. However, Papa helps pair older adults and/or families with college students for companionship and assistance with everyday tasks. Its tagline is "family-on-demand,” as the program allows its elderly members to request visits at their desire, which college students can pick up on the Papa app. The College students, known as PapaPals, can assist the elderly with transportation, house needs, errands, technology, and, most importantly, just being a friend.

— Donovan, 18, OH. (Cassandra Collective)

Earlier this year, Snack Pak 4 Kids launched the Tillie Project, named after Amarillo's grandparent Tillie Dungan, to support grandparents raising their grandchildren and combat food insecurities. The project provides discreet online assistance through school counselors. It addresses the issue of students being raised by grandparents and aims to make a positive impact on their well-being.

— Erika, 15, NJ (Cassandra Collective)

At the end of the last school year, a delightful thing happened in Connecticut where a team of high school students threw a very special prom for a group of seniors - senior citizens, that is. The group of 30 students from local high schools all worked together to plan the 70s-themed prom who wanted to show people that prom is more than just a night for high school students and to recognize the impact of younger and older people interacting in a positive manner.